Getting started with Immersely

For our players, Immersely comes in three app.
Our watch app called Immersely can be found here.
Our Desktop app called Immersely
Finally when your gameplay session is done, you can submit the footage to the Gamer portal.

Step 1: installing the watch app

We currently work with all WearOS watches, this includes Samsung, Ticwatch, Google pixel, Fossil essentially any watch that requires the wear OS app for initialization.

Once the app has been installed, open the app, sign in to your Google account. This will take you to the start button, clicking the start button will immediatly begin the data recording.

Step 2: Installing the desktop app

To install the desktop app you will need the overwolf client, this should be automatically installed when you install the desktop app.

Once the desktop app as been installed, launch the app and enter the same username you used to set up your Gamer portal account. Once this is done, click the start button to start the screen recording. You can minimize the app and start playing your game, the in-app overlay will automatically open, "Cltr + F" will minimize this as well.

Step 3: Submitting the gameplay footage

Assuming the Gamer portal account has been set up already, when you are done with your gaming session and the game is closed, the desktop app will automatically pop up, click the "stop" button to stop recording. The recorded session can be found by clicking the "open media folders" button.

Submitting the session can be done in the "view moments" section in the gamer portal dashboard. Upload your game play and if the session is valid you will be taken to the automatic clip creation page.